Watching you leave is like taking
a little bit of my soul, and planting it into the ground, and then walking away. You are on your way to do great things, extraordinary things, and yes, I know it’s time. It’s time for us to part, to say goodbye, and begin anew in different places, with different people. But still. As I watch you turn over a new leaf, a new page, a new chapter, I miss that seed of my soul that I planted. I know it’s okay, I know it’s flourishing, but oh how I miss it. How I miss our conversations, our laughs, our secrets, the way you never failed to make me smile even when I was crying. I miss you but I know it’s alright - you’re growing and growing and growing. And when I return to the spot that I planted that little part of my soul, I know that it’ll be different - you’ll be different - but that’s okay. Because you’ll always be a little bit of my soul.
“Sorry” spills from my tongue
more often than it should- for accidents, for inconveniences, for moments that aren’t my fault. It slips out like silk, and honey, and spring- something easy and familiar. So familiar it’s there before I need it, before I call on it, before I can think of it. It just comes unprompted, unneeded, but there. Always there. After years of shouldering blame, of accepting punishments, that weren’t mine, “sorry” is an old friend and an unequal partner. ~Madeline x I’m tired
of constantly breaking my back for those who will never do the same for me. I’m tired of always being the one that is making things work. And I’m slowly crumbling, just a little bit day by day. I make excuses for you, tell myself it’s just in my head, things will work out, take a breath. I lie and tell myself I’m not the only one trying and trying to make this work. And I’m slowly crumbling just a little bit day by day. But I’m strong, stronger than you know, just hold me once more, then I can let you go, because it’s not just in my head that you just won’t try. Now, I’m letting you go, walking away, turning the page, because I deserve someone who tries. ~Madeline Can someone find me,
hold me, tell me it’s okay? Just tell me I’ll be alright, tell me it’s okay to cry. I’ve been strong for so long, and it feels like I’ve cracked shattered, collapsed. Can anyone help me stand again? Give me my pieces and help me put myself together again? It’ll only take a moment- a breath to pull me to my feet, a breath to hand me my pieces, a breath to put me together. Please? I never ask, but I’m asking now. All I need is a moment, a hand, a smile. I’ve been strong for so long, and it feels like I’ve cracked shattered, collapsed. A breath and then- a hand reaches down, a face smiles, and I’m pulled to my feet, handed my pieces, some tape, and some help. ~Madeline Before the debate of a physical book versus an e-book began, there was the discussion about paperbacks versus hardbacks. Were the cheaper, flimsier copies better than the rigid, bulky ones? Or was the durability and aesthetic of hardbacks worth the extra money?
As an avid reader and a contributor to this discussion multiple times, I still do not favor one type over the other. I have been a bookworm ever since I was in third grade and honestly, eight years of reading haven’t clarified if one type is better than the other. However, there are definite advantages and disadvantages to each form that I have learned over the years. Paperbacks are usually cheaper, and much more portable. I tried to take two hardbacks with me on a trip once and it felt like I was breaking my back the entire time. On the other hand though, hardbacks are much more durable. I used to take books to my swim competitions and I was much less worried about ruining my hardbacks than my paperbacks since the covers cannot get ripped or damaged like paperbacks, and water damage typically does not affect them as much. Over the years, I’ve managed to compile a pros and cons list for each format, despite the fact that I haven’t chosen a side. Paperbacks v Hardbacks Paperbacks Pros:
Hardbacks Pros:
If you need help deciding which type of book is better for you, try this short quiz! Which Type of Book is Better for You?Do you like to travel with books? A - Yes! B - No! Are you on a bit of a budget when it comes to shopping for books? A - Yes! B - No! Do you organize your books in a way that’s aesthetically pleasing? A - Nope! B - Yes! Do you like to reread books? A - Nope! B - Yes! If you got mainly As: You’re most likely going to favor paperbacks. They’re easier to travel with and cheaper. You probably don’t care how aesthetically pleasing your bookshelves appear, so the damage that your paperbacks get won’t matter that much. If you got mainly Bs: You’re most likely going to favor hardbacks. You enjoy an aesthetically pleasing bookcase and the durability of books is important for your rereads. You may not prefer to travel with books, so the extra weight that hardbacks have won’t bother you. If you got the same number for both As & Bs: You can go either way with your preference. It may depend on the situation or even the book, so keep experimenting with both types to see which one you prefer! Choosing if you prefer paperbacks or hardbacks is not a decision you have to make if you don't want to; I still have not chosen a side. However, knowing what type of reader you are and knowing the type of book that best suits your preferences can go a long way in clearing the confusion between which is better. The most important thing is to just keep reading, whether it be by hardback, paperback, or e-book, or audio book. You won’t really know which version you enjoy most until you experiment with all of the different types. You may think that you’re going to prefer the comfort of a physical book but then fall in love with e-books or audio books. Remember to keep an open mind about the different types and to not refuse to try a new version because you don’t think you’re going to like it as well. Books can always surprise you! ~ Madeline College applications seem to loom in front of you for your entire high school career. They’re always there, waiting to stress you out with the work and time that you have to put into them. But they’re not as scary as one might think, and all it takes to get started is that first click. If you take the applications one step at a time and give yourself enough time to complete them, the stress and anxiety that surrounds the entire process isn’t as bad as you would think.
I’m currently a rising senior and will be graduating in the spring of 2021, so I’m in the midst of applications. However, I’ve been working towards these college applications for what seems like forever since I’ve been going on tours and worrying about my SAT score for over a year. It’s been a lot to keep track of, especially during the middle of a global pandemic, and college research and applications have taken up a lot of my summer. I’ve had a list of colleges that I was interested in for awhile now, but there’s still so much that I’ve had to do and still need to get done. I’ve also struggled with getting started on my writing because I don’t like talking about myself, so thinking about the things I’m going to share about myself in the different essays has been intimidating. I’m lucky enough though to have a great support system behind me, including my parents, my older sisters, and my college counselor. They’ve helped me to slow down and take everything one step at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed with all of it. Now as I’m going into senior year and applications are starting to open, I feel a lot more at ease than I did at the beginning of the summer. I know what I need to get done and I know I can do it, and those are the two most important things to remember. Here are a few things to remember when you start the college process:
The college process can seem overwhelming, but if you take it one step at a time, it doesn’t have to be as stressful. Give yourself time to work through each part of your application, including research, and remind yourself that you can and will get through it. The future may seem scary but remember that you can do anything you set your mind to- including a few pesky college applications! ~Madeline |