Finding inspiration to write
Nicole explains how she found inspiration to write during lockdown and how she unleashed her passion for writing during this period, including tips on how to start writing.
Staying motivated
Jasmine provides some top tips on staying motivated in your hobbies, despite how tough it can sometimes feel.
Let's talk about theatre
Kenzie talks about her love of theatre and her experience of being a theatre kid and details how the pandemic has affected the industry. She also gives some tips, tricks and information you can use to support your local theatre in difficult times.
Music shaming
In this article, Lana discusses music shaming, and how degrading one’s preference may impact their confidence.
Need Some New Music? Listen to Michael Aldag
Josh talks about a new musician called Michael Aldag and why you should check him out as he has written some very meaningful songs during lockdown.
The Social Life Partners
In this article, Andreaa overlooks and judges the so-called “Social Life Partners” who are just a mere representation of social media platforms.
How to handle a gig
In this article, Josh described his top tips to handling and enjoying a gig or concert.
Why i am proud of being a hobbyist
In this article Keerthi shares a diary excerpt in which she expresses the importance of being a hobbyist.
In this article, Tabitha explores the importance of continuing to pursue your hobbies despite failures.
In this article, Mel will be sharing some seasonal ideas as bucket lists shouldn’t just be for the Summer!
A brief intro to divination
In this article, En will share their learnings of divination and how to use divination tools safely.
Creativity without Judgement
In this article, Ines discusses the importance of non-judgemental creativity and methods to prevent procrastination.
Hardback or paperback?
In this article, Madeline discusses the paperback versus hardback books debate, gives advice on choosing a reading format, and provides a quiz to help you figure out which form is better for your reading style.
My first singing lesson... ever
In this article, Chloë explains why she has finally decided to take singing lessons and gives advice on how to try something new.
Transforming Stress into creativity
In this article, Megan discusses her experience with stress and offers advice on how to manage it.
Never Give Up
Chloë talks about how playing netball has made her more resilient as she has persevered to get on the team she currently plays for.
How writing helped me in life
In this article, Mel explains how writing down her thoughts and feelings in order to help others helped her both mentally and physically, as well as creatively!
Inside the Writers process
In this article Cass explains her love for writing and how she gets into her writing process. This is good if you are looking for inspiration when you have writers block or if you don't know how to begin your writing journey
Rocky road cheesecake pudding
Kenzie shares her recipe for the lovely rocky road cheesecake, taking you through each step in creating your masterpiece.
The case for reading more
Cassandra explains her relationship with reading, using her own experience. This allows her to share advice to help you build a relationship with reading.
Reconnecting to an old hobby
Mel explains her old hobby, hockey, and how she disconnected with it as she grew up. Using this experience she is able to provide tips for reconnecting your old hobbies.
The business of rejection
Kenzie uses her love of acting to share how she coped with rejection and disappointment relating to a hobby. Her tips and advice are all help you face rejection.
How can writing help you
Jazz loves writing, and always used to do so. She uses this passion to share how writing can help you! So why not pick up a pen today and see what you can create?
How to find a love of reading
Tasha recounts her story of how she lost her passion for reading and what you can do to re-kindle it.
Kicking stage fright in the butt
A writer that doesn't write
Being a writer that doesn't write can be difficult. Jazz knows this, and so uses her experience to share advice to help you get back into the swing of things.
Creative hobbies
Ella lists the importance of pursuing creative hobbies and tells us how to get started.
Rejection from a hobby
Ella helps us to bounce back from rejection stronger than ever, telling us not only to keep working hard towards your goals but to branch out and try new activities.
Writers block and how to overcome it
Riley lists lots of creative ways to get writing again after falling out of the habit of writing often.
Anxiety and hobbies
Elizabeth talks about her experience with social anxiety when she joined a club and she gives advice on how to overcome your fear of public speaking.
Finding a voice
Having the courage to share your writing
Writing grows wings
What is writing? What are the benefits? In this article, Cassandra answers that and more! She shares her experience in writing and uses that to help you grow your wings.