A sign of Hope
In this article, Josh talks about how the rainbow has acted as a sign of hope during lockdown.
A guide to socially distanced freshers
With university move in dates approaching, and Freshers week becoming ever closer, Nadia shares her own experience of her first week at university and gives tips and ideas on how you can still make the most out of your Freshers, whilst still remaining Covid safe.
Self-care during lockdown
Erica gives self care tips on how to stay both physically and mentally healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Celebrating your birthday during covid-19
For the unfortunate ones that have their birthday during these unfortunate times when social distancing is important, Erica gives some tips on how to enjoy and celebrate it while still staying safe.
Positive Vibes Only
Fin covers the positive news that is rarely talked about in the media today during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Battling covid-19 with anxiety
Zephyr puts forward xim battle with COVID-19 while trying to manage the anxiety that arose when xim mother was tested positive. Xe discusses some strategies for those in similar situation.
COVID-19 VS MY friendships
In this article, Arya talks about how COVID-19 has affected her friendships.
Living Outside of Lockdown
Kenzie talks about how her experience in lockdown has been, what she is worried about as she comes out of lockdown and how to keep yourself and others safe in a less restricted world.
Dealing with Anxiety as Lockdown Eases
Chloe discusses the anxieties about lockdown easing.
In this article, Arya talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly coming to an end and the changes that will come with this.
Extracurriculars During COVID-19
Erica talks about extracurriculars that you can do virtually during COVID-19.
How to Stay Motivated in Remote-Learning
In this article, Anna addresses how lockdown and remote learning can take a toll on our motivation in school, and gives advice on how to overcome this hurdle.
Balancing Family and Friends During the Pandemic
In this article, Diana explains how to balance your family and friendships during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how to take some time out for yourself.
Self Care during COVID-19
Erica gives self care tips on how to stay both physically and mentally healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
tips for online school
In this article, Gauri gives tips on how to cope with online school.
distanced learning tips
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many students find themselves in remote learning. Jade provides readers with some tips and tricks to ace remote learning.
COVID: STaying healthy during quarantine
Chloe writes about how easy it is to become unmotivated during quarantine, and gives tips on how to stay healthy and happy in these uncertain times.
The importance of social distancing
In this article, Josh is going to talk about the importance of social distancing and why we must implement it into our current lifestyle.
Loneliness of lockdown
In this article, Elizabeth discusses the loneliness of lockdown and isolation and how to cope with it.
Has Quarantine Helped Me?
In this article, Mel will be writing about how this lockdown has helped her with her confidence and bonding with her mum.
Housebound hobbies
Chloë finds the silver lining of being housebound as she suggests a few hobbies you can pick up, and when she thinks you should fit them into your daily routine.
Life After Coronavirus?
In this article Mel will be sharing what she thinks life will be like after the Coronavirus and how she plans to keep calm during the next few months.
Coronavirus anxiety
Kaitlyn talks about how the recent coronavirus pandemic has affected her and her anxiety, and how she is dealing with it
The coronavirus - summary
Fin talks about the Coronavirus: where it came from, what it does, how people should react and what you can do to stop it.
Stop panic buying!
In this article, Alex talks about the effects of panic buying on vulnerable people much as the elderly and those with anxiety, sensory issues and learning difficulties, and how to deal with the stress of having to go to the shops with the crowds there.
Mental health and covid-19
In this article Cody tells us about the coronavirus outbreak and the any ways you can keep yourself occupied and look after your mental health during the outbreak