I feel like this happens to everyone eventually, whether that be from the time you were born, Middle school, highschool, or college or not until just recently. It happens people talk about others behind their backs, others overhear and it spreads that's what happens. This has happened to me so many times, I remember when I was little (1st grade) I was 6, there was this girl who I thought was my friend, she wasn't she invited everyone in the grade to her birthday party except for me .
I had one friend who stood up for me, but only cause I had known her a few years before and she stood up for me, she said if I couldn't go, she wouldn't. I remember this other girl, I had anger issues really bad when I was younger and we were in class talking about what we did over the weekend she looked at me and said "Well unlike some people I actually hungout with the friends that I have" this was in 3rd grade I was about 8 my whole life the other kids have made fun of me. My appearance was the main cause of it I wear classes (And had to actually wear a patch over my eye when I was little due to eye problems I had) I have ginger hair I got called a clown .. Anyways enough about me It can be a mental thing that really messes you up Knowing the other kids don't like you Knowing you have no one to turn to In my case I didn't even have family to ask for help Others do And here are a few ways you can get over bullying, some advice •You can't listen to others who say things like that. Their struggling in life too, a lot of kids take their inner pain out by making others around them feel bad. •When someone is bullying you, you need to tell your parents, or older sibling, friend, counselor, etc. An adult can help you get through anything you are going through. •Tell your teacher, especially if their in your class. They can help separate them from you in activities. And make sure nothing happens. •Don't just ignore it, don't go about your day listening to those who hurt you. And don't repeat what they say constantly throughout the day. You don't deserve that. Maybe you feel weak asking someone for help, but your not. If you really want the bullying to stop you have to get it out there first that its happening so others can help you. I remember when I was younger i wish I would've told someone Good luck <3 Abby
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