When you're five or six, all you want to do is grow up and be a fireman or a policewoman or whatever. But as you get into upper school or college, the fear of growing up and having to look after yourself hits you hard.
Gaining independence isn't as tricky as it seems, there are so many people out there to help you grow up and start your life. Even though school is pretty crappy sometimes and doesn't teach us about paying taxes, or how to get a job, we live in a generation where the internet can act as a substitute tutor. If no ones helping you try and become an adult, and teaching you the basic things you need in life, this is where you can gain independence and teach yourself. An important step to growing up, is not letting the fear of it eat you up! You have to stay calm and realise, you aren't alone in this world. Letting yourself get to the point where all you do is stress over the future is not advice i push you to take. No matter what, you have to keep your head in a good place. I may be rambling a bit, but my main advice to not being so fearful is- ♡Keep people close to you that you know will help and support you ♡Save money and try and get a part time job so you have money saved for the future ♡Try your very best to not screw up your studies as you may regret it in the future ♡Go back to classes and earn more qualifications ♡Tutor yourself about being an adult and the essentials in life like paying bills and raising a child ♡Set some future plans and try and find the best option for yourself ♡Find someone to live with to save money, being alone can suck, this is not a must-do tip but i recommend it if you hate being by yourself, you can gain independence and learn to look after another persons wellbeing as well as your own ♡Keep a healthy diet so you are fit to perform well later in your life ♡Have a bucket list, with the stress of being an adult it's nice to have some plans or ambitions to keep on the side, so once in a while you can have fun ♡Keep a positive mindset, you can not give up Valuing our childhood is such an essential to moving on with our lifes. Today is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be again and remembering that each day is a new chance and a new chapter is so reassuring. -guest writer Meii xx
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