Knowing what career path you want to go down can be hard to figure out when you’re only sixteen years of age. Firstly you’re a kid who doesn’t have a care in the world, and then, as if by magic, everyone’s asking you about what you want to do. People have, of course, asked you this prior to this moment. And you’ve said something either impossible, or horrifically generic. I know that when I was little, my career path changed ona daily; one day I wanted to be a vet, then I wanted to be a dancer, then a singer. These are only a couple of examples! But I didn’t have to worry whether they were possible or not, because I was young. Nobody was asking seriously. And then, by the time I left school, that’s all people seemed to be asking me, as if I had a clue about what I wanted to be. I still had no idea.
Obviously, it’s ideal to have a career path in mind as you edge closer to adulthood, as this makes it easier to decide whether you want to go to university or not. But, if you don’t know what you want, that’s okay. It is okay to not have a clue what you’re doing. You’re young, and you have time to figure it out. Figuring it out is the hardest part, but once that’s done, everything else becomes a little easier. The starting point for me was going to some career fayre’s at college. These seem lame, I know, but they are actually really helpful. There are dozens of people who come from loads of different areas to try and help you decide if their career is for you. You don’t have to commit to anything. You just show up and go to a couple of stalls that you’re interested in, let them give you leaflets and various other free things, and then you can sit on your own and look through them at your own pace. It’s also perfectly normal to want to switch careers in the middle of your pursuit for one of them. So if you wanted to be a teacher, but then half way through pursuing this career, you suddenly decide you want to become Tasha
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