and hopeless. When I was around 16 I began to realise that I had feelings for one of my best friends. It messed me up- I think it's also worth mentioning that she was the first female I had liked and before her I had only ever liked guys. So this confused me a lot, I didn't know if I genuinely had a crush on her or if I was overthinking things and putting meaning where it didn't belong. Over the time that I had been friends with her, I'd gotten quite attached to her so I struggled to tell anyone else and was terrified of losing her as a friend because she meant a lot to me. I was infatuated with her. It seemed more exciting than normal crushes (I'm not sure whether this was because she was a girl or because she was one of my best friends). She was just really awesome and she'd been there for me through a lot and she was really clever and dorky and pretty and her sarcastic little comebacks amazed me. I knew it wouldn't work out although I hoped it would anyway. I want you to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking your friend, and you should not feel wrong for doing so. You are entitled to have feelings for whoever you want.
Now if you like your friend, you kinda have 2 options to try to get over it with the intention of not ruining your friendship, or to go for it. It can be really difficult to get over someone you like especially if they are your friend but here are some tips to hopefully help you get over a friend:
If you are considering telling them then go for it. Yes, there is a chance that you'll lose your friendship but there's also a chance that the feelings are returned and that'd be really awesome. Although bare in mind this may not happen so try not to expect this if you do tell them. If you are good enough friends they wont let the feelings ruin your friendship because they care about you. Remember, dont feel guilty for feeling the way you do, it's not your fault and everything happens for a reason and if you want to tell then, be brave and believe in yourself, something amazing could come out of it -Mei xx
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