My brain is a mess, But why bother cleaning it up, No one’s ever going to walk in, There’s nothing in here they’ll ever love. There are a million different things screaming for my attention, A million different fires that need redirection, But each time I try to smooth over the traffic, Another bomb drops and adds to the panic. Many different things add to the noise: School, friends, family, With a plethora of commitments breathing down my neck, I constantly feel like I’m sick. It never shows though, it’s carefully tucked away, Schooled expressions worn as masks to lead onlookers astray, I can’t afford to take them off, The dam I’ve been building will crack, And then no one will want me back. But, I’m so tired of this mess, I need help, I need help with spring cleaning, But it’s not even spring yet, maybe I should wait, Procrastinate, It’s all that I know how to do. -Jahannavi Jahannavi
There is no such thing as heaven.
How can there be? Beautiful, empty words- Fruition of history and wishful belief. But I believe in Afterlife. Not in a paradise or scorching inferno; But through the sin that is Intercourse. Egg meets sperm Under a million circumstances- Under the same sun, The same moon. Passing on, The same blood. Passing on, The same basic elements- That make up life, that sustain life, That will nourish your son and mine. How will they see us? The continuance of our flesh and blood. How will they live? The angels with youthful faces and magically renewed life. When they turn their soft, smooth faces Backwards, and gaze at the path they’re on- The path we’ve carried them thus far on- What will they think? Do they see wisdom? Technology, diplomacy, discovery? Do they see chaos? War, explosions, plagues? Do they see beauty? Art, life, love? Will they even look? Everything I am doing In this life, this short, transitory life Is to redeem myself When I meet my Judgement. And that, my love, Will come through the hands of my children. Therefore you must live, Live to live on- Live to pass on- Our terrible, insignificant legacy. Jesse On May 29th 2020, Artemis Fowl arrived on Disney+. Although it was originally set to come out in theaters, the sudden arrival of the coronavirus pandemic forced Disney to release the movie on its platform instead.
Being a huge fan of the books after reading all of them in fifth grade, I was super excited to see all of the characters come to life, especially Artemis Fowl. I really wanted to see how the author imagined Haven City. However, I was extremely disappointed by the entire film, which was ruined, in my opinion, by the casting. Being Asian-American, I was extremely disappointed with the actor chosen to portray Domovoi Butler, the protagonist’s butler. In the books, the character was Russian-Japanese. However, he was portrayed by Nonso Anonzie, an actor of Nigerian Igbo descent. Removing the original cultural heritage of the character made me wonder if Disney cared about the equal representation of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders and those of AAPI descent. Although Disney had a good and positive representation in Moana, why was Disney unable to do it here? Additionally, by racebending the role of Domovoi Butler, it seemed that Disney wanted to enforce harmful stereotypes of black servants and scary black men. Holly Short, an elven police officer, was whitewashed. Despite being described as a dark brown complexion, the actress of Short was white. The decision to cast Lara McDonnell seemed ignorant to whitewashing. There are many women of color who are able to portray Short; why did Disney whitewash this role? This isn’t the first time Disney has whitewashed a role; Johnny Depp was casted as a Native American in The Lone. Ranger and Tilda Swanton as the Ancient One (a Tibetan male) in Doctor Strange. These decisions seemed to make Disney appear ignorant of both stereotyping and the importance of representation. I was also disappointed with the casting of the protagonist, Artemis Fowl Jr. Fowl was portrayed by Ferdia Shaw. Shaw was a poor actor and lacked emotion when playing Fowl. It was rather displeasing to watch him and it ruined the film. For those unfamiliar with the Artemis Fowl series, such as my sister, were simply confused by the film. Josh Gad’s poor portrayal of Mulch Diggums made my sister think that he was an imitation of Hagrid from the Harry Potter franchise. The film didn’t explain many concepts to newcomers, expecting them to already understand these concepts. Additionally, the movie felt quite long and dragged on forever, making me want to switch to watch another movie instead. Overall, I definitely would not recommend watching Artemis Fowl. After watching the movie, I was extremely disappointed with Disney. The poor casting of characters and the poorly written script resulted in a film that dragged on for hours. The film definitely did leave me with a foul taste in my mouth. -Jade Anxiety is watching a blur of cars, their tires gliding swiftly through damp roads,
Drifting -- away. The sound of the crossing delays them-- a moment to breathe; A random pause in their flow of movement. But moments later, they begin their smooth descent To the known, Their destination already decided. Silent tears, the only things that can escape you; A salty tasty of freedom against your lips, The only way of knowing your tears are real, And not just a river being washed from within you, Turning you into the puddle cars manoeuvre around, Or splash against, coating pedestrians with despair, Their own feel for what anxiety did to you. But anxiety is Being left behind; Watching life move without you. Anxiety is frozen, Knowing what to do, but disconnected from your ability to move, Wondering how your legs once caught up to them, A blunder in your memories. Anxiety, your mind a jittery hand You can’t control, Your dreams spilled onto a page But the pen, the key to your soul, Is Slowly Losing Ink Anxiety is the choked silence Frozen in your throat Lodged between fear and freedom. Nicole I’m waiting for my past-time, to be part-time, to be all mine.
I’m excited to watch the days fly by, not a care in the world. Right now they’re not mine. I’m ready to waste it, I’m ready to chase it, can’t fit in the moment But why should I care I’ve gotten over it, my future is glistening, but I’m stuck here. It’s a pity my emotions, creations, excitation are wasted on the wonders that aren’t here. Am I wrong to be excited for what to come; is it wrong for it to be the only thing I wanted? Am I wrong to want all the things unsure; is it wrong to be unhappy for the things I can control? Why does the me-now even matter, when she’s gone tomorrow morning? Why should I try? Even the world is trying to distract myself from “who am I right now?” - Jahannavi The wistful whispers of the ocean as it glistens in the moonlight
Subdued by the tranquil air and the silence that gently travels, Urge the pebble to edge further into the predictability Of the soft waves, finding safety in its delicate fluctuating motion Unlike the tumultuous waves that possess the angelic Body of water when the sun rises. The blue light is electric, reflecting and revitalizing The gentle splashes provide a promise that they will Guide your thoughts, rather than aggravate them. Slowing them down, focusing on what truly matters. Unlike under the scorching cerulean sky, Where floating in the middle of nowhere Is blinding And being suffocated under the waves Which choke your silence. Here, silence is free, Silence isn’t synonymous with fear. Liberated by the soft waves of freedom, The dynamic blue water is glowing, Illuminating the truth in who you are, The truth that only you know is there. You’re safe here, You’re protected by the breeze that Carries your trepidation away Through the waves of discovery.
Sometimes I wish I could rewind the clocks and go - go back in time, be interested in the things I'm not, play with the toys that collect dust, climb the tree house before it’s all rot, ride my bike before its covered in rust, play games with my brother, just give it another, go - go back in time, and say yes to those scary things, not be as shy, listen to the bird sing, cause the limit is the sky. Oh, the places, I will go - but now I just sit, and cry as they all go by. By Josh
Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut, Booksmart, blends together beautiful cinematography and a perfect soundtrack, with an extremely talented cast and a heartwarming, hilarious plot to create an intricate coming of age film of which you could watch again and again and never grow bored of. Booksmart is truly a unique film as it utilises camerawork and music in its own artistic way but rather than taking away from the plot, it enhances moments and emotions making you feel as if you are in the room with the characters throughout the film. So, now you may be wondering, what is the plot?
Booksmart is a story of two high school seniors, Amy and Molly. With graduation nearing, the best friends look forward in excitement for what the future may bring, both have spent their whole time in high school working hard to get to prestigious colleges with flying colours. However, they reach a dilemma upon realising that their fellow students have also gotten into high-level colleges with good grades, but they spent all of their time in high school going to parties. For this reason, the pair make it their aim the night before graduation to go to the best party ever to make up for all of the lost ones and show that they are smart and fun. This results in a hilarious film packed with moments to make you laugh, cry and anything in between! One of my favourite aspects of Booksmart is the characters, all characters feel like real people complete with strengths and flaws. Despite the focus of the film's plot being the party, you can tell how long Amy and Molly have been best friends through their interactions, this, combined with the performance given by Kaitlyn Dever and Beanie Feldstein conveys a realistic friendship to the audience. Side characters are also well written, and none are two dimensional, and many characters who could be in danger of falling prey to overdone character tropes avoid them. For example Gigi, who could be classed as the comedy relief character of the film at no point becomes annoying in any way, a common trap for comedic relief characters, but still achieves making you laugh in all of her scenes whilst still remaining relevant to the plot and having depth. Additionally, there is well-executed LGBT representation with the co-lead, Amy, shown as a lesbian with an unrequited crush on another senior, a sub-plot explored throughout the film. As mentioned previously, I also loved the use of music within the film, the soundtrack features songs by Lizzo, M.I.A and many other artists ranging from well known to fairly unknown. The use of music in the film is unique in the way that rather than creating the intended mood of a scene it enhances it and creates further immersion into the moment. In my opinion one of the most powerful scenes in the film is an argument between two characters, this scene is so powerful partially due to the use of music as the argument begins with no music, but the music slowly comes in until the words are being drowned out by the music, for me this was a powerful portrayal of the way people say meaningless things in arguments. This scene is just one of many amazing scenes throughout the film and the use of music is just one aspect of the genius behind this film. Overall, I would recommend Booksmart to anyone, it is a good feel-good comedy, but it can also be a heart wrenching coming of age. For such an amazing film with such thought put into it to create the beautifully intricate masterpiece that was brought to screen it is hard to believe that this is Wilde’s directorial debut and I can only anticipate with excitement what we will see from her soon. Jasmine The cushions on the couch provide a comfortable place to rest -
the dog curls up beneath my feet to doze, the rug is her place of vacation its soft strands intertwined with her fur, like warm sand underfoot. The picture frames on the wall catch my eye as I examine the memories they hold, As the books on the shelf call out to me, they long to be read, the blanket wraps around me - hugging me tight as I read, travelling to a distant world from my living room, whilst the vinyl spins round and round, dancing as it sings, the candle joins in the dance - gently, flickering, as it bathes the room in a soft, warm light, the warmth protects me from the cold outside, the storm that rages on can’t reach me, here. By Josh Let’s start off with the childhood dream; Once upon a time, I was fascinated with vampires, and that intrigued me and I wanted to become one. So, the adventure started there, and that’s when I researched Vlad The Impaler ( Dracula ). From that, I've always had a love for vampires whilst growing up, and to now actually visit Vlad’s castle where he lived was beyond a childhood dream coming true. The emotions that I was experiencing whilst walking up to the castle were running through my head it was kind of hard to walk. But I managed to get to the top and in we went. Exploring the rooms of the castle, seeing the artwork there that was once Vlad’s. Next, we got to my favourite part of the castle, the courtyard. It was beyond beautiful and it even had a well for people to throw their money into! But the thing I liked about this area was when you stood on the pebbled stone and looked up at the castle roof. It was a sight I’ll never forget. Now, onto the second bit of this article. The reason I’ve included two subjects in this article is that it was experienced on the same day so I thought it would just be suitable. So, how is love “just a dream?” Well, for me it was happening over several years I just didn’t realize it. See, the person I travelled with to Dracula’s castle was a good friend of mine that I used to work with, but due to circumstances, they had to move back to their hometown. This meant that I couldn’t see them, but also we lost contact for a while. Within the time period, we worked together we both grew close and didn’t realize we actually liked each other. Sucks right? So, after 4-5 years we got back in touch and decided to meet up and make a trip out of it and from there we just became closer and closer. Actually realizing what we had both been missing over the years. After having two trips together, we both came to the terms of, yes we do like each other but we didn’t want to ask each other as we were both anxious about the outcome. So, that’s when we went on our trip to Dracula’s castle. The week of the trip I had been giving a few hints to my friend about how I really liked him and how I would love for him to ask me out. But, it just wasn’t getting through to them. The day finally came, we talked and they explained the reasons for waiting for so long to ask me and it seemed reasonable and I understood where they were coming from. So, when they finally asked me, I was like “Is this too good to be true?” I hesitated due to the reasons they gave me but overall, I knew that this was what I’d been wanting for, those 4-5 years of being clueless. I just wanted to say to them, FINALLY! But, deep down it was like my heart stopped and everything paused for a few minutes. I was happy that all this happened within one day, who would believe it? Was it all just a dream?
MelOne day, I was walking home with my mum, An old man called me love, Told me to give him a lick of my ice cream, I was seven. and it still makes me wanna scream. One day, I wore my favourite skirt to the shops, I got catcalled by a man someone probably called "pops", My mum told me "take it as a compliment" I was fourteen and no longer comfortable in my skin. One day, I went out with my friends to town, what Ii was wearing should not matter, but to every guy who saw me it did, I was fifteen, and realised that this was normal. I shouldn't be afraid to go out at night in fear of harassment, but i am. I shouldn’t have had to worry about it at 14, but i did. I shouldn't take it as a compliment, It was not. JemimaWalking home, From school. I feel like I always do, I feel like a fool. Wipe the tears, Which are threatening to break through. I wish that I was, I wish that I was someone new. I see the sun, I see it rising in the sky. Now when I trace my scars, I feel like I can fly. I will always be true to me, I know one day my bravery will set me free. I will fight forever, I won't cry anymore, Today's the day I will even the score. I'm a survivor. I walk the streets, Of my hometown. And I reflect, On just how often I've felt down. No one understands, Quite how I feel. Makes me feel like my emotions, Are not a big deal. You see the scars on my wrist, You see my hand in a fist. My heart is locked like a vault, Little do you know it's all your fault. I will always be true to me, I know one day my bravery will set me free. I will fight forever, I won't cry anymore, Today's the day I will even the score. I'm a survivor. I'm a survivor. I'm a survivor. ~ Kenzie. KenzieThink about this: what is one thing you love from your favourite novel? Is it the plot that gets you so hooked you forget the cup of coffee sitting on the table? Or the setting you keep wondering about? How about the characters?
Characters are those beings living in your plot who convey the entire story. They are the mirror of the book who brings out the plot and theme. If you want your readers to think long after the last page is closed, treat your characters like your loved ones. Let the readers devour into the plot using your character’s individuality. Building characters with complexities, distinct personalities, and goals dive the readers into the story. Once you understand your characters inside and out, you can mix them in the plot or let them guide the story. Dimension, conflict, and empathy are some of the many things that can help you avoid creating dull characters. Here are few things about them: Dimension One thing that makes characters dull is their lack of flaws. Develop human-like characters, let them have their flaws. Think about different aspects of life. Are they rich? If yes, are they greedy? Are they social? If not, are they lonely? Conflict Let your characters have an internal conflict that influences the plot. No internal conflict makes the story monotonous and the character boring. For example, the superhero of a story has to fight the villain. But he is still unsure of his capability. He doubts himself about being able to control his power. What if he hurts an innocent? These thoughts bring an inner conflict in him, which makes it difficult to solve the external conflict. You can experiment with the solutions to the conflicts. The result of the external conflict can cause a solution to inner conflict and vice versa. Empathy Empathy is the power I love experimenting with. A way to incorporate empathy into your story would be to tell your readers why the villain committed the crimes. Empathy helps paste characters into the reader’s mind. You can always jump around different perspectives to showcase how the characters feel or what they have been through. If you include these in your characters, you are ready! Character outline is THE step I love. I invest more time in this step. It is where you connect and fall in love with your characters. I take it as a blind date; you don’t know what you expect or how they are. But you make a go for it. Outlining characters includes the character’s past, personality, manners, and behavior. For example; one character may have a habit of scrunching their nose again and again. The other may explain themselves, their habits, and why they did certain things again and again because they had abusive parents. Origins matter! It gives an insight into what they might be like, their goal, and their inner conflicts. Different methods can be used to outline characters! The technique I find the easiest is Q&A on a mind map. There are questions I ask myself and address the answers in a form of a mind map. Questions you can ask yourself can be:
Now, when you have your character ready to fall in love with, revealing them on the screen is crucial. SHOW DON’T TELL. You can use their behavior, attitude towards someone, or their actions to reveal the character. Instead of ‘The young CEO of the company was cold and caring. He wanted all works done on time,’. We can say ‘A tall man with a sharp jawline entered the conference hall. All staff members stood up at his sight. He bent down to the level of his secretary’s daughter, bringing a bar of chocolate out of his Tom Ford suit. The little girl leaped with joy. She brought his first smile of the day. He walked up to me and extended his hand for the file I had been holding. I shuddered under his icy gaze. His neck and hand veins were popping out while his eyes held no emotion. He was angry. I handed him the file while looking down at my heels, knowing very well I had crossed the deadline.’ Here, we get a taste of being his employee. We get a clue he has a soft side. We notice his veins pop out when he is angry. He doesn’t smile much. He is rich. A flashback can help display a character or some new characters into the story. Be careful about the transition between the flashback and the present time. Few ways you can present flashbacks can be:
Try not to stop describing the characters. As you write, you discover more! Your readers need to recognize the characters! Reminders are essential! But do not repeat everything again. The characters shouldn’t be too similar. Experiment with unique traits, accents, and behaviours. Ellen’s show and Carpool Karaoke can help you explore your characters more. Ask questions and answer them! Look into where the character would want to go depending upon their personality. Maybe your introverted character will take the host to the library! Remain alert and aware of the accents and behaviour of people around you. It is all about how you play around! Make your characters human-like! Practice, practice, and practice! Happy writing! Yara. Credits to Reedsy learning. How To Develop Memorable Characters (Free Course) • Reedsy How to Write Believable Dialogue (Free Course) • Reedsy Learning The Simple 9-Step Guide to Character Development How to Develop a Character: 7 Simple Steps Writer’s block can feel like the worst thing to overcome when you’re stuck in the middle of it. To help you get through this, I’ve come up with a list of writing prompts that could help!
They say study hard and you’ll have a good life, You’ll be successful and have a good wife. They say stay at school and don’t have fun, You’ll get a nice car and know how to run. They say don’t cry and let it out Just keep it in and go workout. But what they don’t know is that I want to break free, I want to laugh and sit under an oak tree With my friends by my side as I break down And let the mascara make me a clown. I want to worry about the little things As I consider them important and they give me wings. I want to fly as high as I can, but mom and dad, don’t worry I won’t go too far and I’ll be back in a hurry. She tries to carry herself strong in front of others but deep down she’s broken, She smiles the brightest but there isn’t a single light in her, not even the slightest, She’s changed from her outspoken self to now being soft-spoken, And at this point, her life just passes in a blur. She used to be the happiest person, even on the inside, She used to feel the love from those she truly did love, But, now she feels that she has no one by her side, She doesn’t know if she can even rise above. She believed that finally, she had a sense of belonging, That for the ones she loved, she would do anything, But now, she finds herself eternally falling, From her flower field, she’s been picked from her stem. She thought that at the end of the day, they’ll be with her forever, She thought that she found those who truly cared for her, She thought no matter what, they would always be with her, But she thought wrong. She finally knew what people mean when they say you shouldn’t let your walls down, She finally understood why she was so reserved in the first place, It’s because there is no certainty on how long anyone will stay around, So now, once again, she needs to put on that rusty mask she never thought she'd use again: her second face. Deep in the woods, voices called out yelling, “Altea, Altea! Where are you?,”
Those were the calls of Alexander and his new friends as they searched for their lost friend. Knowing that Altea could’ve headed off in any direction, the group split into two pairs: Alexander partnered up with Sasha and Lucas with Nyle. “I heard you and Lucas were like best friends or something,” said Alexander, “How come you were being really cold with him earlier tonight?” “I just don’t like the way he’s been since Altea joined us.” said Sasha “He’s normally such an open and friendly guy but around Altea, he’s been pretty condemning and unfriendly lately and that’s just not like him. I tried to talk to him about what has been going on and why he’s doing this but he just keeps on finding a way to avoid answering my question or he changes the subject.” “Ah, I see,” said Alexander, “Seeing how I’ve only just met you guys I can’t really say what I think might be happening since there are still some details I don’t know. However, I hope that once we find Altea, she and Lucas can resolve their quarrel.” “Yeah, I hope so, too” said Sasha, “it really hurts to see my friends and family divided like this. By the way, how were things like for you before The Awakening?” “Wait, what’s The Awakening?” ask Alexander, for he did not know what had taken place before he mysteriously woke up. “That’s strange.” said Sasha, “That was the day everything changed for me, Lucas, for Nyle, for Altea, for everyone in the world really, mostly for all the minors for some strange reason.” “Well, do you remember, your mom, your dad, siblings, anything?” asked Sasha. “No, nothing. I just woke up in some kind of chamber filled with ancient technology and walked into the outside world with no memory of who I was and just set off to find who I am. All I have been able to remember so far was my own name.” Replied Alexander. Sasha was surprised, then said “Wait, no, it can’t be, then you must be-” before she could finish what she wanted to say, the two of them saw something that utterly shocked them. In the midst of the path beyond them were rows of tire tracks alongside trees and plants that were mowed down in the wake. “What happened here?” said Alexander. “Oh no,” said Sasha, “We need to find and tell Lucas and Nyle, go find Altea, and get out of here as quickly as possible, NOW!” Meanwhile, Lucas and Nyle were traversing another part of the woods calling out the name of their lost friend. “Lucas?” said Nyle, “Why did you have to be so mean to Altea? She was only trying to get along with us this whole time.” “You wouldn’t get it,” said Lucas. “What do you mean?” said Nyle, “ I’m your friend, I’m always here to support you and talk about anything if you ever need to,” “I said, YOU WOULDN’T GET IT!” Exclaimed Lucas. “Why do you have to be so rude like that?!” Yelled Nyle angrily, “You keep on saying that Altea was the one being rude, the one not helping, the one killing the vibe and the one ruining everything when really, IT’S YOU! ‘Why do you think she ran away from us? Because you kept on underappreciating her help, pushing her away when she just wanted to pitch in and be part of the conversation, and made her feel unwelcome by making her do more work than the rest of us and withholding warmth and affection from her! ‘And if you keep acting like this jerk you’re being right now, you’re going to make us run away too! I get that she’s also not perfect either but still, you need to tell me what’s wrong cause that’s the only way you can let go of hate and anger and heal the broken relationships around you!” “Fine”, said Lucas, beginning to shed tears from his eyes, “You know the RV Gwen, before The Awakening, it used to belong to my parents. Every summer, we would travel on it to go to our lake house which was about three days away from our home. Every time we would go there, we would have the most fun kayaking, swimming, fishing, playing frisbee, exploring the wilderness around us, and heating s’mores at night. ‘Really good times they were, but then The Awakening struck and I lost my parents to it. Gwen was the only memory I had of them and the only semblance I had left of the simpler days. When Altea decided to upgrade and renovate her, it felt like that RV that my parents and I used to ride in was gone and along with it, countless memories worth clinging on to. Now, I have no way to turn back and instead, have to look completely straight forward to the dark reality we all have to live in.” “I get how you feel,” said Nyle, “we have all lost something during these challenging times but do not worry, you still have a family. You’ve got me, Sasha and Altea once we’re able to work things out, and even the new guy who I think was called Alexander if I remember correctly. ‘Not sure if this might help but try to look at Gwen’s renovations as if it were the culmination of all you have experienced before and after The Awakening as opposed to the erasure of countless memories. ‘In other words, those memories of your parents and childhood are still present with you but at the same time, you’ve experienced so much over the past few years, that you’ve changed and grown to become a better and stronger version of yourself and Gwen has too.” Feeling comforted and rejoiced, Lucas turned to and embraced Nyle. Shortly after however, he had to let go since Sasha and Alexander came rushing towards them calling their names. “Wait, what’s happening? What’s going on?” said Lucas with great urgency in his voice. “The Snatchers! The snatchers are here!” Exclaimed Sasha. “Shoot,” said Lucas, “we need to hurry as quickly as possible!” “Wait, who are the Snatchers?” said Alexander. “Really bad people,” said Nyle, “They go around finding and capturing any kids and teenagers that they run into so they can take them to their base and they’ll go to extreme lengths to get what they want.” “Why?” asked Alexander. “We don’t know,” said Lucas, “But I reckon it has something to do with this.” Lucas then showed off the steel ingot that he held during his initial meeting with Alexander and clutched it. When he did so, a yellow heart shape appeared on his chest and his entire body turned into the color of and adapted the texture and properties of the steel ingot that he held. “Woah!” said Alexander in amazement, “Do all of you have powers like that?” “Yeah, pretty much,” said Sasha who then had an orange heart shape emanating from her chest she proceeded to pick up and drop Alexander as if he were a feather. “Well I’m not the team’s medic for no reason.” said Nyle as he let out a green heart shape from his chest and proceeded to touch one of the scabs Alexander received in his battle with the monster he had the other day and watched it heal fully. “Just wondering but what are Altea’s powers then?” said Alexander. “Super intelligence,” Said Lucas, “That’s how she was able to completely remodel and restructure Gwen. Whenever she taps into her abilities, her heart shape glows light blue.” “Oh, okay,” said Alexander, “You said we need to find Altea as soon as possible, didn’t you? Well, let’s get going?” Just as they were going to find their friend, the group heard a gunshot and scream for help in the distance. Recognizing the voice that called for help, the group knew that it was her; Altea was in trouble. They rushed to the direction the scream came from and found some men and women dressed in gray suits and helmets with black visors blocking their eyes carrying Altea in a large net and packing her and their supplies up in their gray jeeps. “Let go of me! Let go of me you dull headed freaks!” shouted Altea as she tried to struggle free. “Don’t worry Altea, we won’t let them get away with you!” shouted Lucas as he and the rest of the group to keep on pace with the jeeps which were already starting to drive away. Then from one the jeeps in front, one of the snatchers who was loaded up on one the vehicle’s built in cannons fired off a missile which made physical contact with the ground and sent the group back a few meters. The sun shines and on the horizon, Alexander walks through the open field. In his head are numerous questions floating around like “who am I?”, “What happened while I was asleep?”, “Who were these mysterious people and voices appearing all over my dreams and in weird flashbacks?”, and most importantly, “What were those glowing heart shapes in my dream?” He then found a rusting sword with its blade piercing the ground and a rusting shield sitting beside it. “It would be wise that I grab these weapons since I had to fight a vicious monster earlier so, who knows what else is out there,” thought Alexander as he grabbed the weapons that were on the ground. He then found an abandoned shack in the distance. Exhausted and sweaty from all the walking he had undergone under the blazing sun, Alexander chooses to make camp there for the rest of the day and night in order to regain his strength. That evening as he was preparing to sleep, a loud revving sound caught Alexander up from his sleep. He then grabbed his sword and his shield and headed outside to investigate. On the back corner of the shack was something Alexander had never seen before: it was a metallic rectangle with wheels, a window and two antennae with mirrors, and lights on its front. As Alexander continued to examine the unfamiliar machine, he found a door and more windows on its side. Right before he could touch the automatus rectangle to get a feel for it, Alexander was shook when the door on the side started to slide open. Out of the door, a tall boy who looked a little bit older than Alexander stepped out. He had blonde hair, green eyes and in his right hand, he carried a small steel bar. “You can draw your weapon back now,” said the boy. “I’m not going to hurt you”. “W-who are you, what is your business here, and what is your mechanical rectangle called?!” asked Alexander. “The name’s Lucas, I came here to gather some resources for me and my crew, and that behind me is my baby, I call her Gwen and we have been traveling together for many years. What’s your name and what are you doing around here?” said the boy. “Alexander, and I’ve been wandering in this desolate wilderness for a couple days now and pretty exhausted, so I came here to rest for the night and recoup my energy for tomorrow,” said Alexander. “Well, nice to meet you Alexander and besides, camping all alone with no food, campfire, or proper place to sleep in the cold of night is just no way to go. Here, my crew and I will get things all set up.” said Lucas. “Umm, ooo okayyyy I guess?” said Alexander who was a little bit unsettled yet thankful at the sheer amount of friendliness the stranger was showing him. “Alright guys!” Lucas called, “Let's set up camp for the night!” “Ugh! Do we really have to? I just want to go to bed already.” said a girl’s tired and annoyed voice coming from the vehicle.” “Your negativity is not needed here ALTEA!!!” Yelled Lucas “Now let’s come out and show our new friend some kindness and respect.” “Fine, whatever.” said Altea reluctantly. Out of Gwen’s doors, two girls, and one other guy appeared. One of the girls was around Lucas’s age and like him was tall, her hair had a more caramel color but she wore a cap made of green yarn with a yarn sunflower on top of it. The other girl was short and a little bit younger than Alexander, she had light brown hair, wore glasses, and was overweight. The boy was around the same age as Alexander but around an inch or two taller than he was, had caramel skin, and black hair. As the camp was being set up Lucas asked Alexander if he would like to help and Alexander responded with a yes but he found Lucas’s over cheery attitude a little bit unsettling. After camp was set, Lucas said “Alexander, I would like you to meet my crew,” He first pointed to the girl with the yarn hat and said “This is Sasha, she was the first person that joined my crew and my best friend. We have been traveling together for a couple years and at this point, we’re almost like brother and sister. Right Sasha?” “Humph,” Sasha responded and she then turned away. She then said “Anyways, nice to meet you Alexander.” Lucas then said “well, moving on,” and pointed to the boy and said “that one over there is Nyle, he is our medic” “Nice to meet you,” responded Nyle. “Finally,” Lucas said as he pointed to the young girl with the glasses, “This is Altea, she just joined pretty recently and she is our mechanic,”. Then in an accusing tone, he said as he turned his gaze to her “So far however, instead of helping us, she’s been nothing but a lazy, unhelpful, and selfish little brat who chooses to do nothing unless it's for her own self benefit,”. Then Altea yelled back “Listen here sugar king, I did you all a favor back there! If it weren’t for me, you and your “merry band” would have been stranded for weeks,”. “She’s right,” Nyle said, “If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t be here right now. You should show her more appreciation Lucas.” “Yeah, well so much for her “help” when she turned my baby into the abomination you see before us!” Shouted Lucas as he pointed to Gwen. “Well, I turned that old rustbucket into a nice living space for us all and made it better and faster than it ever was!!!” Altea screamed back, she then ran off into the woods. “No, I’m sorry about what I said, come back!” Lucas called back as he tried to take back what he said but his apology fell flat. “Now look at what you’ve done!” said Sasha, “Not only did you just drive Altea away but you also set a bad example for our new friend here,”. “I’m sorry you had to see this Alexander, we’re not usually like this, things have just been really hard for us as a group lately,” said Sasha. “It's fine,” said Alexander. “Come on,” said Lucas, “we're going to find Altea, I’m a leader and the best thing I can do as one is to have all of us go look for her and make amends,”. And so, Alexander, Lucas, Sasha, and Nyle set off into the woods and started their search for Altea. He woke up, he looked at his surroundings, he stood up, he saw a room with what looked like ancient technology. He took the first steps out of his stasis pod but tripped. He got up and slowly tried to re familiarize himself with the art of standing up and taking steps and when he did, he began to wonder where he was and why he was there; for some strange reason it seemed familiar but, he couldn’t remember why and how. As he slowly walked towards the exit, he placed his hand on the ancient yet technologically advanced scanner which immediately recognized his hand print, and then, the metal covered stone door slowly slid open. He found himself in another room with a pair of worn brown shoes, khaki pants, and a discolored white shirt alongside a mirror waiting for him. When he looked at himself in the mirror while he put on the pair of clothes, he looked at his own reflection in shock as if he saw another person looking at him. The reflection showed a boy who looked like he was 12 years old: black hair, green eyes, tan skin, and a thin yet muscular build. Realizing it only to be himself, the boy then tried to remember his name and who he was; nothing. He tried and tried all he could but still nothing; it was almost as if he had become a blank slate. Undeterred, the boy trudged along through the changing room exit and found a dark and narrow corridor laying ahead of him. As he walked in, the lights in the room lit up one by one all the way to another ancient yet technologically advanced touch ID door. The lights looked like a mixture between torch and lightbulb and gave off a blue and mysterious glow which gave the corridor a wondrous yet ominous feel. The boy calmly proceeded through the corridor until a strange drawing caught his attention. The drawing depicted what looked like childishly drawn people and they all seemed to have heart shaped symbols of different colors on their chests. Some had light blue hearts, others had green, and one even had a red colored heart symbol. He then saw two figures at the center; the boy couldn’t completely make out what they were due to the fact that a brownish-reddish hand smear covered them. However, he could feel something very familiar about the drawing and the people in it but alas, his failed memory kept him from recalling them. Nonetheless, he continued to walk through the rest of the corridor until he found the exit: a stone door with a red glow on its sides. As he approached it, a robotic orb with an orange glow came out from a compartment in the door itself and scanned the boy. A robotic female voice then said “identification confirmed, access granted” while the red glow turned blue and the door began to slide open. The boy then walked through the exit and into the bright sunlight to find himself in a deep forest. As he looked back, he gazed upon a brown metal dome with overgrowth on top, and he began to feel something very sad and painful about what he saw but yet again, his amnesia would not let him piece together what had happened. Regardless, The Rumbling in the boy’s stomach compelled him to find food. This was not an easy task as there weren’t many edible plants in sight and he often scared the animals away, as well as lacking any hunting materials. The first two days and nights after that, the boy spent the day searching and went to sleep hungry. Throughout that time however, the boy was able to sharpen a wooden spear for himself and weave a basket of leaves and twigs much to his own surprise, since he didn’t remember having that skill yet it seemed familiar to him. He then hunted some of the nearby deers and squirrels and put their meat on the woven basket. After finally satisfying his hunger, the boy later went to have a good night’s rest. On that night, the boy began to have a very strange dream; in that dream he heard disembodied voices laughing, and talking. Afterwards, faces began to appear and not just any faces, but ones that looked like the people in the wall drawing he saw earlier. He Began to see flashes of himself smiling with and being next to some of those people. After that, a heart shape, white in color appeared and began to exert a blinding light which then transitioned into screaming, people running, houses and ground on fire, and a vision of a black heart shape summoning shadow energy to seemingly hold something back. After the sequence, the boy woke up with a jolt. He realised as he looked around, it was already well into sunrise. The boy got up, and continued on his trek through the forest. As he was continuing his journey, he found a clearing ahead. Seeing a light at the end of the woods, he made a mad dash for it grateful to finally be out. At the clearing, he saw himself standing at the edge of a cliff and below him, he saw green and lush grasslands that stretched as far as the eye can see, a mountain range staring in the distance, and most shocking of all, the ruins of a town right next to the cliff’s downhill path. Curious to examine the sight, the boy decided to do some exploration there but little did he know that he would soon be in grave danger as in the distance, a mysterious figure watched him closely. When the boy arrived, he saw ruined stone houses, damaged and decaying bandwagons, the ruins of a stable, and a cracked, broken fountain. Seeing all this, a feeling of great unease began to swell inside of the boy. He knew something terrible must’ve happened there but he couldn’t piece together what it was. He looked around at the ruins of the houses; broken and charred furniture as well as damaged staircases and floors, the fountain; a broken statue of a raven and a dove, and the stable; perhaps the darkest finding of all. The boy saw skeletal remains both human and horse in many different conditions: some skeletons were intact while others, having an arm, leg, and even head ripped off or crushed to bits. Seeing this imagery began to trigger images of screaming, fire on ground and structures, death, and even a flash of the black heart shape holding a mysterious force back just like in the dream. The flashes caused the boy to scream and run in terror but, he was stopped when he heard the sound of rustling. He bore his wooden spear and quietly paced around, spear upfront to guard himself of the potential danger. He then saw a figure move quickly around the area. He then saw it again but it was too quick for his eyes to catch. Still keeping his guard up, he rotates his body and spear in every direction. Suddenly, a foul creature jumps in front of him. The monster had skin that looked and had a similar texture to human skin, stood upright while also capable of walking on all fours, sharp claws, a long tail with a sharp needle-like end, spikes on its back, a thin layer of hair on the top of its head, a swirl-like symbol where its face should’ve been, and a mouth with many rows of sharp teeth. Letting out a horrifying screech, the creature bounded forwards with slashing motions attempting to sink its claws on the boy’s flesh. The boy then moved out the way of its slashes and went for the side to impale the monstrosity. However, the creature caught sight of this and used its sharp tail to block the attack. It then yanked the wooden spear using its appendage of a tail and snapped it in half. Knocked to the floor by the force of the counter-attack, and carrying no other means of self-defense, the boy was left with no choice but to go on the evasive dodging the creature’s sharp claws, and pointy movable tail which constantly tried to stab him. But the creature then grabbed the boy by his shirt and threw him straight into the remains of a house. A flash came back; it was a woman’s voice saying “Don’t ever forget who you are; don’t ever let them break you; and don’t ever give up, Alexander.” “Alexander!” the boy exclaimed, “My name is Alexander!”. The monster then rushed to Alexander’s location to deliver the final blow when Alexander then got up, grabbed its tail, and snapped it off as it went for the stab. The creature letting out a blood piercing shriek of pain, decided to go for the slash attacks with its claws only to miss again and again hitting the stone wall of the ruined house. Such a forceful impact ended up damaging the razor sharp claws it held. Seeing this, Alexander got the monster to repeatedly hit the stone ruins by leading it to the outside walls of the broken houses and then dodging its attacks so it landed on the stonewalls instead of him. The process rinsed and repeated until Alexander led the creature to the fountain where there, its claws were finally all broken. Right when that happened, Alexander jumped from the top of the fountain with the severed tail of the creature in hand and impaled it through the forehead. Letting out one last scream of pain, the evil monstrosity died. After the gruelling and adrenaline-inducing fight, Alexander set off on foot away from the ruined town. He realized that there was still a lot that he did not know about himself, the strange visions, and what exactly happened to the world while he was in stasis inside the bunker. The only way he can find out he figured, is if he sets off into the sunset and explores the unknown beyond him. Looking for your next fantasy fiction? Search no further! I have a fantastic show for you: Shadow and Bone. Shadow and Bone is an American television series based on the Grisha novels by Leigh Bardugo. To summarize the plot, protagonist Alina Starkov’s life is turned upside down when she discovers that she is not just an average mapmaker, but a powerful Grisha. She is able to summon the Sun and reunite the world with the use of her powers. We also get to follow Kaz Brekker and his team during their attempt to kidnap Alina in exchange for money. But trust me, he is not a villain. Most readers are oftentimes underwhelmed with movie adaptations of the novels they enjoy. This series, however, does plenty of justice to the books. If you enjoyed shows like The Shadowhunters, The Magicians, and Legacies, I am certain you will not find yourself regretting watching this one. Though there are some noticeable differences, fans aren’t disappointed at all. This enthralling series meets the expectations of an adequate escape from reality. I personally loved the series. The main reason why I will be watching it again is The Crow Club. It also includes the characters from Six of Crows, another book written by the author, focusing on the same world, but different characters. With more than one storyline, Shadow and Bone definitely set the bar high. My favourite character from the series is Kaz Brekker. I only have one follow-up question: When is Season 2 dropping? If you have watched the show, let us know who your favourite character is! Until next time, No mourners, no funerals. What must it be like, to be you, mother? Do you ever think of yourself? Do you ever consider being selfish, greedy, self-centered, to be the one who takes and not the one who gives, the first one at the dinner table and not the last, every Ramadan you listen to the kitchen table food critics, demands, a blur of mental notes you made but never once a complaint, but mother, I want to hear you complain. Every Ramadhan you always kept your fast right at the end “there are 5 minutes left” I yell, upset that you couldn’t keep an eye on the clock or upset that you always put yourself last or upset that I was the only one who noticed. Oh, what must it be like to be the fruit picker, to be the giver, but never intending on biting into the flesh? What about home? Do you miss home? You miss home. You speak of your family, your sister, you tell us you see them in your dreams, you catch up with them but over the years you have become an outsider, a guest, we tell you. You protest. The only time you show ‘want’ and ‘need’ is when you want to go overseas, to your motherland, to kiss your fathers’ hands, to discuss your mother’s death, a million times again, out of fear that you might forget. Her. We remember that morning, 6 o clock, a call from 1,000 miles away broke your heart, it cut it open never to be stitched back up again. “Mother has passed away,” your brother said, and you were never quite the same after. You became fragile, so helpless, so in pain, every part of your body grieving, your fingertips mourning, having lost the chance to touch her face, kiss her hands, goodbye. You picked up your bags to pursue your husband’s dreams and left half your joy at the border if you’d have known how much you were giving up, would you have stayed? “Where’s Grandpappy?” I asked my Grandmama. She sat in a wooden chair that rocks when you lean, watching the flames of our fireplace.
“Gone,” she answered, focused on her knitting. “But gone where?” She sighed. Her hands stopped and she looked up at me. Her eyes that always sparkled like the amber in our trees became a dull, trampled twig on the ground. “Nowhere. Grandpappy’s dead.” A part of me knew this. I even remembered it. |